Cheat Sheet
- 2xJump Rope = Double Unders or double the reps for Single Unders
- AMRAP = As Many Repetitions As Possible in the allotted time
- CAL = Calories
- C&J = Clean and Jerk
- DB = Dumbbell
- EMOM = Complete the exercise(s) Every Minute on the Minute
- G2OH = Ground to Overhead (any clean & press, clean & jerk, or snatch)
- KB = Kettlebell
- km = Kilometer
- m = Meter
- MIN = Minute
- Max = Maximum
- OHS = Overhead Squat
- Rd = Round
- RDL = Romanian DeadLift
- Rep = Repetition
- S2OH = Shoulder to Overhead (any press or jerk)
- SDHP = Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- SEC = Seconds
- SWD = Simple Workout Dashboard
- Tabata = Maximum effort for 20 seconds, 10 seconds resting
- Tabata Doubled = Maximum effort for 40 seconds, 20 seconds resting
- WT = Weight