Week 11

Barbell Strength Cycle

Day 1

Back Squat

Day 2

Snatch or

Overhead Press

Day 3

Front Squat

Day 4

Overhead Press or

Clean & Jerk

Day 5

Clean or


Barbell Strength Variations


Squat Snatch

  • Bar starts on the ground, catch bar overhead in a full squat.

Power Snatch

  • Bar starts on the ground, catch bar overhead in a partial squat.

Hang Snatch

  • Bar starts at mid-thigh height, catch bar overhead in a full squat.

Hang Power Snatch

  • Bar starts at mid-thigh height, catch bar overhead in a partial squat.


Squat Clean

  • Bar starts on the ground, catch bar in the front rack position in a full squat.

Power Clean

  • Bar starts on the ground, catch bar in the front rack position in a partial squat.

Hang Clean

  • Bar starts at mid-thigh height, catch bar in the front rack position in a full squat.

Hang Power Clean

  • Bar starts at mid-thigh height, catch bar in the front rack position in a partial squat.

Front Squat

Front Squat

  • A squat with bar resting in the front rack position (front shoulders).

Overhead Squat

  • A squat holding the bar overhead with a Press grip or Snatch grip.


  • Lunges with bar in the front rack or back rack position.



  • Feet hip-width apart, hands just outside the knees.

Sumo Deadlift

  • Feet wider than shoulder-width apart, hands just inside the knees.

Snatch Grip Deadlift

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, hands 1.5 to 2 times shoulder-width apart.

Overhead Press

Push Jerk

  • Start with knee dip, catch bar in a partial squat.

Push Press

  • Start with knee dip, catch bar without bending knees.

Split Jerk

  • Start with knee dip, catch bar in a partial lunge.

Strict Press

  • Keep legs locked out without bending knees.

Clean & Jerk

Clean & Jerk

  • A Squat Clean, followed by a short pause, into a Push Jerk or Split Jerk.


  • A Front Squat directly into a Push Press.


  • A Squat Clean directly into a Push Press.

DCP Complex

  • A Deadlift directly into a Hang Clean directly into a Push Jerk.

Barbell Strength Movements

Back Squat


Position the barbell across your upper traps (high bar) or rear shoulders (low bar) and grip the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed out. Take a deep breath, engage your core, and maintain a neutral spine (do not round your back).


Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower your body, keeping your chest upright and your weight evenly distributed through your feet. Your thighs should reach parallel to the ground or lower.


Drive through your heels and extend your hips and knees to return to the standing position, exhaling as you complete the lift.



Begin with the barbell over the middle of your feet, your feet shoulder-width apart, and your hands gripping the bar in a wide Snatch grip. Keep your chest up, back flat, and shoulders slightly in front of the bar. Take a deep breath, engage your core, and maintain a neutral spine (do not round your back).

Initial Pull

Lift the bar off the ground by extending your hips and knees, keeping the bar close to your body and maintaining a neutral spine.


As the bar reaches mid-thigh, explosively extend your hips, knees, and ankles while shrugging your shoulders and pulling the bar upward.

Pull Under

Quickly pull yourself under the bar as it reaches its peak, locking your arms overhead and catching the bar in a squat.

Stand Up

Stabilize the bar overhead, then stand up by extending your hips and knees to complete the lift.

Front Squat


Start with the barbell resting on the front of your shoulders, elbows high, and your hands gripping the bar just outside shoulder-width. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with toes slightly pointed out. Take a deep breath, engage your core, and maintain a neutral spine (do not round your back).


Keep your chest up and core engaged as you bend your knees and hips, lowering yourself into a squat until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground. Keep your chest upright and your elbows high (humerus parallel to the ground).


Drive through your heels to stand up, extending your knees and hips while maintaining an upright posture and keeping your elbows high.

Overhead Press


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and the barbell resting on your upper chest. Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width, with your wrists stacked over your elbows.


Engage your core, keep your chest up, and press the barbell overhead in a straight line, extending your elbows fully while keeping the bar close to your face.


At the top, ensure your arms are straight, your shoulders are active, and the barbell is directly over the middle of your body.


Slowly lower the barbell back to your shoulders in a controlled manner to complete the rep.



Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, the barbell over the middle of your feet, and your hands gripping the bar just outside your knees. Keep your back flat, chest up, and shoulders slightly in front of the bar. Take a deep breath, engage your core, and maintain a neutral spine (do not round your back).

Initial Pull

Lift the bar off the ground by extending your hips and knees, keeping the bar close to your body and maintaining a neutral spine.


As the bar passes your knees, explosively extend your hips, knees, and ankles while shrugging your shoulders to pull the bar upward.

Pull Under

Quickly drop under the bar as it reaches its peak, rotating your elbows forward to catch the barbell on your shoulders in a front squat position.

Stand up

Stabilize the bar on your shoulders and stand up by extending your hips and knees to complete the lift.



Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with the barbell over the middle of your feet. Bend at your hips and knees to grip the bar just outside your knees, using an overhand or mixed grip. Keep your back straight, chest up, and shoulders slightly in front of the bar. Take a deep breath and engage your core.


Drive through your heels, extending your hips and knees simultaneously to lift the bar. Keep the barbell close to your body as you stand tall, locking out your hips and knees at the top. Maintain a neutral spine throughout the lift (do not round your back).


Reverse the movement by hinging at your hips and bending your knees to lower the bar back to the ground in a controlled manner.